Grey's Anatomy Season Fifteen Premiere | Review

Welcome back to The nerd shelf!

It's that time of the year when one of my favorite shows come back, Grey's anatomy. This is a show that I have watched since it began, which meant that I was ten when I started to watch it. You might not think that my parents had the best judgment but I am from Sweden, and we are a little bit more open about certain things haha. We used to watch Grey's every week, and when I say we I mean my whole family, my sister, my mom, and my dad. We all loved it. Now, however, I'm the only one who still watches it. The others kind of fell off, but I have gotten multiple friends to watch it from the beginning. 

If you have been living under a rock for the last thirteen years the show is a medical drama that follows the personal and professional lives of five surgical interns and their supervisors. There's a lot of drama and sex and tears. If you like any of the other Shondaland shows and haven't seen this you need to. It's the show that started Shondaland. Also if you like to cry this is the show for you. 


This season started off with a two-hour premiere and I loved it. To be honest the last couple of episodes of season fourteen wasn't my favorite. Maybe it had to do with two of my favorite characters leaving the show but I also didn't really remember much from the finale. But this premiere was so fucking good. I'm going to go through character by character and I'm going to start with Meredith (Ellen Pompeo).

The season picks up right after last seasons finale. Meredith is having sex dreams, a lot. They are about basically everyone in the hospital. When the episode opened with Meredith and DeLuca (Giacomo Giannotti) making out these where my thought: "What the fuck? What the fuck? How? What? What is going on?". And then it turned out to be a dream, thank god. I completely forgot that they kissed, or rather he kissed her, in the finale. I had to pause the episode and go back to the season fourteen finale and look.
Meredith has a patient who is a matchmaker. She is on Meredith's case on finding someone. Meredith, however, says that she's fine and that she doesn't really care. I understand where she's coming from. She has already had the love of her life, she feels like she doesn't need a relationship. It isn't until Jackson (Jesse Williams) point out that she is married to her work that she starts to change her mind. Here's the thing, Meredith does NOT need a boyfriend. She doesn't. And I dislike the fact that we have a thing when it comes to female characters, we feel like they need a boyfriend. They should always have a love interest. I do this too and I hate it. I love to love and I want these characters that I love to have someone to love but I have to remind myself that that does not have to be a significant other, it can be a friend, their career etc. Meredith doesn't need a relationship, but if she wants one I'm in. Throughout the episode, she has these interactions with the new orthopedic surgeon, Link (Chris Carmack). By the way, when we first see him in the slow-motion scene in the ER (which was so funny) I just started screaming. IT'S FUCKING LUKE FROM THE O.C.!! If you never watched the O.C. you won't know what I'm talking about but I can only see him as Marissa's douchebag boyfriend. I was freaking out, I was texting everyone I knew, I was tweeting about it. I could not let it go, and I still can't haha.
Anyway, he is obviously interested in Meredith and she starts having sex dreams about him too, but I don't think they are going to go anywhere.

Alex (Justin Chambers) and Jo (Camilla Luddington) are on their honeymoon. They are in L.A. and my question is why? They are doctors who have a lot of money and they go to L.A.? Did they have to stay in the country? Because Hawaii is apart of the U.S. and they still went to L.A.? I don't get it. I mean I can understand if someone from another country goes to L.A. during their honeymoon or someone who doesn't have the money to go anywhere else, but why do they go there?! I'm not going to get it so let's just move forward. They are on the beach and they seem pretty bored and then Jo gets an idea. She runs away from her husband and goes to the bar to write on napkins. I love how supportive Alex is in this. He doesn't get upset that she's doing work during their honeymoon, he just lets her be and then he goes back to Seattle with her to talk to Meredith. Jo has come up with this theory of how to cure cancer and she wants Meredith to convince Bailey (Chandra Wilson) to make a fellowship for her. Meredith tries but Bailey says no. This is when we find out that Jo turned down the fellowship she had in Boston. She goes into Bailey's office, with Alex, drunk and convinces her. But here's the kicker, she takes Jo on herself. She basically grabs her from under Meredith.

Bailey wants to take a step down for a while and focus on actually working in medicine. Not that she isn't but I think she wants to do surgery more and not as much chief stuff. I get this, she had a heart attack, she wants to take some time to heal and just do things that she wants to do. And Jo's study is fun for her. She ends up giving Alex the fucking interim chief job. That scene when Meredith goes into Bailey's office and Alex is sitting in the chair, drunk, is so funny. I was laughing so hard. And their relationship is so amazing. They are the only two of the original interns that are left and they are best friends. They are each others person.

Webber (James Pickens Jr.) seems to be going through a rough time. He hasn't gotten a new sponsor yet, he's not going to his AA meetings. He doesn't seem to have fallen off the wagon, he just seems to be struggling a bit. He seems sad. I mean, of course, he is, his sponsor and friend for years died. You don't just get over a death like that overnight. Catherine (Debbie Allen) is doing what she can but I don't think she wants to push.
Webber gets a male patient who has stuck a bottle of hairspray up his ass. Why the fuck are men so stupid? Webber gets Carina (Stefania Spampinato) to help to find out what it was that he did stick up his ass. They don't know that it's hairspray, just that it's his wife's "hair-stuff". So when they are doing the surgery Webber sees that it's a hairspray bottle, which is flammable so he tells everyone to stop. But Roy (Rushi Kota) of course does not listen to him. I am so done with this intern, this time he should be fucking fired. It's funny that I feel this way though since Meredith and Alex's group did some shitty things as well, but I don't care. If your boss tells you to stop, you fucking stop. But he didn't so the patient caught on fire, and so did Roy.
Webber wants the interim chief position. When he asks Bailey for it she asks him if he has a new sponsor. Now I understand why he's upset when she asks this but it is a valid question. He's not okay, and the last time he was chief and he wasn't okay he drank, and he did it while he was working. Bailey is in the right here.

DeLuca saved Roy. He also saved Maggie (Kelly McCreary) and Jackson (Jesse Williams) when they walked to work. Maggie and Jackson almost walked in front of a car that didn't slow down and DeLuca pulled them out of the way. Throughout both episodes, he was just on a high from saving someone's life. And then when he saves Roy he thinks he's invincible, but the patient's heart gives out. DeLuca thinks he can save him, he has saved others and he thinks he's on a roll. Webber has to stop him. The man is dead and they can't bring him back. I think DeLuca had been in such a low place since his girlfriend left and then when this happened he just grabbed on to it to help himself. It didn't work though. You can't as a doctor think that you can save every patient, you can't become that delusional. It's dangerous. But I think he learned his lesson.

So in the season finale, we see that Teddy (Kim Raver) is back and she's pregnant. Bailey has asked her to become the interim chief but after Teddy goes by Owens (Kevin McKidd) house and finds out that he and Amelia (Caterina Scorsone) lives together with two children she panics. She tells Bailey that she doesn't want the position and tries to escape before she runs into Owen. She does run into him though and it's so awkward. He doesn't know that she's pregnant.
Teddy knows that she has developed a blood clot, from all the traveling and her being pregnant. She needs Maggie to check and help her out. But she doesn't know that Maggie and Amelia are close. So now Maggie knows that Teddy is pregnant and she can't tell anyone. I have a feeling that she's going to slip, she's already asking Jackson how to stretch those rules.

Amelia has realized that she has feelings for Owen. And she tells him. When they met Teddy at the elevator she got so jealous but then she figured that if she doesn't tell him now it might be too late. Owen also has feelings for Amelia. They start making out but they get interrupted by the baby.
Owen starts thinking about their relationship. He starts this conversation with Amelia and I loved it. He tells her that he wants the wife, the house, the children. He wants all that and if she still doesn't want it without the tumor then they canät go forward with this. Amelia tells him that she's still scared. She's an addict, in recovery yes, but still an addict. I don't think you ever stop being an addict, not that I have experience, but from what I've read and things like that. She scared and she doesn't like change. But she's going to try her best to not be. And it's this really nice moment of her actually trying. When they were married she was so obnoxious. She was mean to Owen, pushing him away and not talking to him. Yes, it was her tumor but I think it was her being scared of everything too. I like that she's going to try. But maybe it won't matter when Owen finds out Teddy's pregnant. And to be quite honest I want Owen with Teddy more than Amelia.

Jackson is dealing with his faith. Since last season when April almost died I think he started to believe in god. Now I have a hard time with this storyline because it feels like they are just trying to switch out April's character with his. He doesn't need to be religious. But maybe it was the trauma of what happened to April that made him believe in god. I'm not religious so I can't say. When DeLuca got Maggie and Jackson out of the way of the car a girl on a bike got hit by it instead. She's Jacksons patient.
Jackson accidentally asks Maggie to marry him and she freaks out. It's valid though. She runs off to Meredith's house and she almost tells her and Amelia that Teddy is pregnant. She's not good with secrets, and she's not sure on how to tell Jackson she doesn't want to marry him right now. They haven't even said I love you yet. I understand her and poor Maggie is so awkward in the first place.
  Bailey has built this pressure chamber for patients to sit and heal in, I think that healing is supposed to be accelerated in there. Jackson's patient has some complications and they figure out that maybe it would help save her life if they do the surgery in the chamber. As soon as they close the door they can't get out until it's depressurized. The patient doesn't make it and Jackson freaks out. He doesn't understand why God would do this, why someone is saved and someone isn't. In the end, there's this great scene with him and Maggie. He tells her that he doesn't understand and Maggie is so patient. She doesn't understand the whole religion thing, neither does Jackson though, but she tries to help him. She tells him that he has gone through a rough and traumatic time. April, his family's empire crashing down. And then he tells her I love you. I loved this scene. I never thought I would like them together because I was all about Japril. I hated it in the beginning but now I'm really starting to like it.

Overall I loved this season premiere. I mean it's Grey's, even if it's "bad" it's still good. I hope that we will see Meredith maybe find someone this season and I really want to see what happens with Owen, Teddy, and Amelia. I also really want to see where this thing with Jo and Bailey leads to. I'm excited!

